Tuesday 14 February 2017



No. Quetion Answer
01 Total Surface Area 510,064,472 sq km
02 Total Land Area 148,940,000 sq km (29.2% of Planet Earth's surface)
03 Total Water Area 361,132,000 sq km (70.8% of Planet Earth's surface)
04 Total Population 7.04 billion
05 Total Weight 5.9722 × 1024 Kg
06 Total Volume 1.08321×1012 km3
07 Total Age 4.54 billion years
08 Surface Gravity 32.041 ft/s2
09 Distance from Moon 384,403 km
10 Distance from Sun 150 million km
11 Equatorial Radius 6,378.1 km
12 Mean Radius  6,371.0 km
13 Polar Radius 6,356.8 km
14 Orbiting Speed 29.78 km/s
15 Orbiting Time 365.256363004 days
16 Surface Temperature -88/5(min/max)°C
17 Orbit Size around Sun 92,956,050 miles (Semi Major Axis)
18 Period of Rotation 23.934 hours
19 Speed of Rotation 1670 km/hr
20 Distance from nearest Planet 38 million km from Venus
21 Total Seas 137
22 Largest Country Russia, 17,098,242 sq km
23 Smallest Country Vatican City - 0.44 sq km
24 Distance from nearest Planet 38 million km from Venus
25 Longest River The Nile - 6,650 km
26 Largest Lake The Caspian Sea - 371,000 sq km
27 Highest Mountain Mount Everest, 29,029 ft - Nepal
28 Largest Ocean The Pacific Ocean - 155,557,000 sq km
29 Smallest Ocean Arctic, 14,056,000 sq km
30 Average Life Expectancy 67.2 years
31 Total Continent 7 (Asia, Africa, Europe, North America,South America, Australia, Antarctica)
32 Largest Continent Asia, 43,820,000 sq km (29.5% of total World landmass)
33 Smallest Continent Australia, 9,008,500 sq km
34 Total Ocean ( Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern,Arctic )
35 UN Recognized Countries 193

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